Friday, February 8

Psychologically Disabled

Yossarian is definately psychologically disabled. He still has qualities of a hero but the war images that stuck to his mind completely changed him. He showed up completely naked to his medal ceremony because he refused to wear a uniform after Snowden died in his arms and bled all over his clothes. This psychological problems can cast a shadow over hero-like qualities. In today's society, we could never accept a person as a hero or heroine if he or she did something considered obscene or wrong to society's eyes. We usually label people's actions without having any background information on why a person would do such thing. Such behavior may be a cry for help. A hero trying to come out of a shell created by past events and experiences that turns them into something they are not, even if such thing only lasts for a moment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He seems to be very similar to John Proctor in The Crucible who stands up for his own beliefs. Yossarian will go against society to prove a point at any means. Though the means of doing so may not be so heroic the intent certainly is. It seems that this post is mostly a summary. Maybe you should add a little more of your thoughts.